Well as you can see I have been spoiled by all of my friends and family once again........I just wanted to say a huge thank you and you know who you are who sent cards, gifts, texts, flowers, cookies, donuts, bagels , coffee and best of all the friendships I have with all of you. What a fun way to spend this day that I now have turned 68.........it's unbelievable I am that old!!!!! I use to think after sixty you are ready for the old folks home.......well I am here and somedays I feel like it but you know what , where we are today and what has been going on around us I feel pretty lucky and count my blessings every day........... so 68 doesn't look so bad anymore. Thank You all ...............
And I treated myself and ordered my newest birthday girl from the talented Jenn aka. Noodle and Lou! Is she not the cutest ever.........
I hope you all have a wonderful weekend........I have started out in the most perfect way...............thank you all!!!!!!