Been on a fun short girls trip to Napa/St.Helena California............If you ever want to see some beautiful scenery and not go out of the US you need to head out that way!
We ate some of the most wonderful fresh food and enjoyed the shopping and just spending time relaxing.
These photos are taken off of my phone .......for the first time ever I decided to not take my good camera .........the other two gals I traveled with took photos on their phones so I just took these off my phone that they forwarded to me they are a little blurry but not because they took them but I took a photo of the photo with my good camera when I got home and downloaded them to put on my computer ( it's called lazy, dummie technical me) oh well I just wanted to let you know why they look the way they do.
I don't have many photos but just wanted to let you know I am home and ready to start the week and get back to fact yesterday I helped frost 100 cookies for a purse/fashion party tonight at my friends salon.
I hope you all have a great monday and for the week ahead........
I think there may be some spots left for this thursdays Halloween the store and sign up if you are needing a Halloween fix.......see you all thursday evening! 405-848-2389