The Miracle of Friendship....
There's a miracle called friendship
that dwells within the heart,
and you don't know how it happens
or where it gets it's start,
but the happiness it brings you
always gives a special lift,
and you realize that friendship
is God's most precious gift.........
Last summer I read a post and it clicked for me to ask these friends to help me out.............Hope Wallace of Paper Relics had a post on her blog and a light bulb went off. She asked one of her friends to help her out and that is when I decided to do the same thing but with a few more friends. ( I contacted Hope to see if she minded if I did this same thing and she was so sweet and said of course) These FRIENDS all helped me out..........I will keep it exchange filofax/Journals between you and fill it with all kinds of Journaling stuff........I had each girl fill out a question sheet ........then we put our names in a hat and pulled out a name not knowing who had who ( except me because I needed to get the right book to the right person) They then had 2 1/2 month to get their journals completed. You were responsible to get the journal you wanted that was to be passed over to the one who was filling it.........Then we would get together and have dinner and exchange them, so that brings me to last week when we exchange them............oh what fun we had and they were all amazing what was inside each journal!
( these two just had to take selfies with my big camera and I didn't realize until I downloaded these)
I sure wish my photos were better but they aren't......anyway I wish I could show you each and every book because they were incredible and each one was so different. At first these girls didn't quite know what they were expected to do but I think once they got started it was hard to quit and wanted to add more..........some were busting out but that is what made them so great!
So if you are wanting to ask a few friends to do the same you will have so much fun.........make sure you ask friends that love to do the same thing you like to do and a true friend will definitely come through......... and that is exactly what these friends did.........they made a project for me a fun experience!
Of course you can't get together without having food so I decided to make it a Pink Girls Night to help celebrate Friendship.........
Pink Poodle ( non alcoholic) drinks......
Each place card I made paper dolls with their name and the poem " The Miracle of Friendship" was attached on each doll...
On the girls invitation I asked them each to bring their favorite salad and I made Parmesan Chicken Soup and rolls.......for dessert I made a Caramel Pecan Cake ..........
We all have friends we love to share and create with and these gals love to do the same and I can't thank them enough for going on this little creative adventure with me. Thank You Thank You Thank You........
At the end of the evening one of these sweet girls is moving to another state to be close to family...... so we all decided to make her a little Paper Doll Paper Crown memory book with notes and photos from days gone bye.........
Nan has been a looooooooooong time Paper Crown friend since the beginning. She is now moving on to start a new adventure with her family and we wish her the best in the future ahead. Hopefully this book will remind her of all the good times we have all spent together creating art! We all Love you Nan and will miss you but remember you promised to come back and visit and teach and we will hold you to it.....
I guess I have gone on long enough on this Monday Morning but just wanted to share in something fun and with friends..........what would we do without friends.........have a great day!
PS Sorry about the selfies. ;-)
Posted by: Becky Bullard | 11/22/2016 at 11:14 AM
A most special evening with the most special friends!!
Posted by: Becky Bullard | 11/22/2016 at 11:14 AM
What a FUN special night! I will treasure my book and journal always. They are riding on my lap with me all the way to Utah!! Thank you, Jackie, for being such a good GOOD friend. I will love you always!! 💖
Posted by: Nan | 11/21/2016 at 02:01 PM